The 13 Best Personal Finance Books You Should Read Now

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Written By Ryan Patton

Adventurer, Tech Geek and Lover of Productivity Hacks. 

Having basic personal financial skills is extremely important. If you feel like you still have room for improvement and you still want to learn more, check out the following Best Personal Finance Books.

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Learning about personal finance is extremely important in life, and in order to be economically wealthy. Understanding the basics of finance, savings, debts, budgeting, and even investing is very important to live a secure life and avoid stressing over these financial factors. Some of these key concepts aren’t learned until a older age, and people often wish they had been introduced to these matters beforehand. For that reason here is a list on personal finance books.

This list provides you with a wide range of options for you to choose from, regarding Best Personal Finance Books for experts and for beginners. The important thing here is for you to pick a book from the pile and become familiar with the subject of personal finance. There is always room for improvement and to learn more.

Table of Contents

  1. Best Personal Finance Books
  2. Personal Finance For Dummies
  3. Clever Girl Finance: Learn How Investing Works, Grow Your Money 
  4. Broke Millennial Takes On Investing: A Beginner’s Guide to Leveling Up Your Money
  5. The Illustrated Guide to Financial Independence
  6. The Simple Path to Wealth
  7. Your Money or Your Life
  8. The High Achiever’s Guide to Wealth
  9. Personal Finance Quick Start Guide
  10. WEALTH: How to Set Yourself Up for Financial Success
  11. Think and Grow Rich
  12. Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties
  13. Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?
  14. Personal Finance Simplified

Best Personal Finance Books

Personal Finance For Dummies

Author: Eric Tyson

There is no other book as specific as this one. Personal Finance For Dummies is another way to say that this book is for beginners or people that don’t have a clue on anything related to personal finance. It is a guide to budgeting, saving, avoiding debts, and learning wise ways to make the right investments for the future.

This book’s main purpose is to make people aware of finances and how important it is to have a clear understanding of them in life.

Clever Girl Finance: Learn How Investing Works, Grow Your Money

Author: Bola Sokunbi 

Although this financial guide is mainly directed at women, the advice here about money can be used by everyone. This book talks specifically about finance and how you don’t need to have a college degree on the subject in order to understand it. The author’s purpose is for people to learn how to be smart investors of their money, and to make financial decisions wisely.

Broke Millennial Takes On Investing: A Beginner’s Guide to Leveling Up Your Money

Author: Erin Lowry 

Erin Lowry focuses her financial book on millennials and their need to grow their money without knowing where or how to get started. For that same reason takes up on the challenge to inform millennials everything they need to know about personal finance at their age.

This means, talking about student loans, being responsible with their money, where to get the best investment advice, among other basic millennial questions.

The Illustrated Guide to Financial Independence

Author: Larry Faulkner

The Illustrated Guide to Financial Independence offers a step-by-step guide for the readers to build a strong financial base in their life. The book’s purpose is to motivate people to take good care of their finances in order to overcome obstacles easily. This Best Personal Finance Book serves like a user’s guide as each chapter touches on a different subject and it offers insightful information page after page.

The Simple Path to Wealth

Author: J L Collins

This book talks about numerous things, specifically money and investing, a subject that might be sensitive for some people. Often when growing up, young adults don’t see the importance of these two factors, and they are not quite ready to comprehend the life repercussions it might cause to avoid paying interest in these subjects.

For that reason this Best Personal Finance Book does a great job of explaining in an easy manner the importance of money and investing, knowing where to put your money and how to become more powerful by doing so.

Your Money or Your Life

Author: Vicki Robin

Learning about finance is extremely important if you want to be wealthy. Your relationship with money is important and people need to understand how to approach finance in a more opportunistic way. If you are a beginner in this subject or already somewhat of an expert, this book is great for anyone. From a person starting to save money, to one near retiring, this book is amazing in order to understand how to transform your relationship with money in order to become more independent. In a summary, the book explains you how to use money for your convenience, without letting money guide and determine things for you.

The High Achiever’s Guide to Wealth

Author: Palisades Hudson Financial Group LLC

Everyone is in a constant struggle in life looking for different ways to become rich and successful. And while aiming high is a great goal in life, people need to focus more on being financially stable throughout life, and not simply rich. There are people who earn money and the lack of knowledge on how to manage it leads them to lose in one way or another. Becoming wealthy also means being smart about money, knowing where to invest it, what to buy with it. This book is perfect for understanding what wealth truly means in life and taking all the necessary steps to obtain it.

Personal Finance Quick Start Guide

Author: Morgen Rochard

This book is a simplified beginner’s guide to understanding everything about financial stress, where does it come from and how to eliminate it, this book also guides you to achieve financial freedom and also understand how to create financial independence for yourself, or to help others do so. Make sure you consider this reading given that it is one of the Best Personal Finance Books out there.

WEALTH: How to Set Yourself Up for Financial Success

Author: Steven Hromin

For many, personal finance is challenging, and not a lot of people understand deeply the concept of money and how it works. If you are someone looking for financial advice, this book is great for you. In a certain way, the teachings in this book can transform your financial life and set you up for success. This Best Personal Finance Book will definitely teach you how to create your own wealth, and then how to use it in life.

Think and Grow Rich

Author: Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is a great book that talks about money and finance through the psychological power of thought. Mainly this book focuses on strengthening your mind in order to comprehend what you want from life, and how you can achieve monetary and personal satisfaction in life. This book is sort of self-help when it comes to monetary purposes, however, it also talks a lot about how the psychological power of thought can help you to achieve what you want in life.

Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties

Author: Beth Kobliner 

Talking about finance can be quite overwhelming, especially for people in their twenties or even thirties. More than ever, young people need to have a deep grasp of the finance concept, not only is it necessary but it is always better to know things before they need them. Also, young adults need to face a lot of finance-related issues in their lives and it is necessary for them to learn about finance as a general concept but also to get a financial life as soon as they can.

Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School?

Author: Cary Siegel

Haven’t you wondered at some point in your life, why didn’t they teach you more adult and financial stuff at school? This book is precisely about that. It is meant to be a guide for young adults to teach them everything that they might be missing from their adult life. Although the book is quite extensive, the material that is provided in the passages is great. This Best Personal Finance Book talks about money lessons to live by and also it shows the readers eight important lessons that readers will quickly pick up and understand.

Personal Finance Simplified

Author: Tycho Press

Nothing sounds better than personal finance, being simplified. People think that personal finance is quite complex and extensive and this is a step to guide you through it, little by little. This book will help you understand the world of personal finance in order for you to plan ahead, be prepared for the future, and create a budget that will make you feel wealthy and secure in life. This book touches on 10 steps to get you out of debt, 10 basic financial goals, and 3 tips for your savings.

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The 13 Best Personal Finance Books You Should Read Now

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