Creating goals and sticking to them is the secret to success. Learn how to create New Year’s Resolutions and stick with them throughout the year.
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Table of Contents
- New Year’s Resolutions
- 1. Write Down Your Goals
- 2. Start on January 1st
- 3. Don’t Quit – Start Again
- 4. Practice Makes Perfect
- 5. Continue to Create New Habits
- 6. Stay Motivated
New Year’s Resolutions
One of the most exciting parts of celebrating the beginning of a new year is to create New Year’s resolutions. The hardest part is staying motivated and sticking to your goals for the new year.
While this might seem exciting for some people, for others, New Year’s resolutions are hard to keep up, and most end up giving up on them after the first few weeks of the year.
If you are feeling that lack of motivation and struggling to follow through with your goals, it’s recommended to consider using some of the tips below.
Let’s begin our year with creating reasonable New Year’s resolutions and then talk about how you can create accountability that will have you stick to your goals for the remainder of the year.
1. Write Down Your Goals
Many of you already write down your goals on a daily basis while others dropped that habit long ago.
Make sure to create reasonable and realistic resolutions that you truly want to follow through with and pin that list in a strategic place that you pass by on a daily basis.
This could be on your bathroom mirror, magnetized to the refrigerator door or even on your nightstand.
What’s most important is to always choose a place that you frequent often.
2. Start on January 1st
Let’s face it. The majority of people are hungover on New Year’s Day. January 1st is usually a day that people take off to rest after a long night of parties and celebrations.
This doesn’t mean you can’t break the norm and have a more productive day on the first day of the year.
Do your best to begin your day by reading through your list of resolutions and remind yourself of all the exciting things to come.
If your goal was to exercise at least 5 times per week, start on January 1st and follow through with your goals throughout the first week of January.
You’ll soon find out that creating a routine isn’t hard to do, all you have to do is get started.
3. Don’t Quit – Start Again
Following through with your resolutions isn’t always the easiest thing to do and for that reason people tend to give up on them before they ever really get started.
Fortunately, quitting isn’t your only option.
Don’t be hard on yourself if you miss a day. Things happen. Simply start back up the following morning and you’ll be back on track before you know it.
The most important thing to remember is that you don’t want to be one of those people who miss a day or two and in turn throw all of their resolutions out the window.
4. Practice Makes Perfect
Nobody ever said habits can be built in a day. Habits are things that need to be practiced over and require a reasonable amount of dedication.
If your goal is to eat healthy then do your best to stay away from sweets, junk food and other foods cooked with unhealthy oils.
Sure, it might not be easy at first but the more you practice your new habits, the easier they will become to follow in the long run.
5. Continue to Create New Habits
The resolutions that you create for your new year should not be the end of your aspirations to become a better you.
Do yourself a favor and come up with a new goal or two each month, write them down on your list and follow through with them as you have been with your New Year’s Resolutions.
6. Stay Motivated
As mentioned above, it’s not easy to continually follow new habits and goals. It’s actually far more easy to give up on them but that’s not what we created them for now is it?
In order to stay motivated, people sometimes reward themselves with things they enjoy as a way to stay focused and inspired to continue pushing forward.
At the end of the day, whatever it takes to stay committed is the best decision you can make for the long term.
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